[Gambas-user] Building /trunk

John Leake jleake at ...3375...
Wed Sep 17 22:33:15 CEST 2014

My Ubuntu version is 12.04.5 LTS as shown at the head if this thread.
I just did a sudo apt-get install llvm and hey all I have now is
|| Unable to find file: libintl.so
|| Unable to find file: libiconv.so
Before make and sudo make install
I did:-
sudo apt-get purge ganmas3
sudo apt-get autoremove
and verified that there was no gambas3 executable
then make and sudo make install and all seems OK.

Summary to this thread
I used a net se to look for how to build gambas3 trunk from the
subversion repo which pulled up


This was not enough info even though I followed the steps to the letter.
user help pointed me to


This was also not enough so more help pointed me to


This did not quite make it so more help suggested I install llvm and the
feeling I got was almost better than sex.

If all the docs relating to building trunk were combined and in the same
place I would have got here with just a single request for help.

Many thanks to you all,
John Leake

On 17/09/14 20:58, Tobias Boege wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Sep 2014, Tobias Boege wrote:
>> On Wed, 17 Sep 2014, John Leake wrote:
>>> Nearly there.
>>> || - gb.jit
>> Great. gb.jit needs LLVM >= 3.3, I think (although its configure.ac says
>> only >= 3.1)... Depending on your Ubuntu version this may or may not be
>> in your repositories yet. If it's not, it is still packaged for Gambas in
>> the Gambas-Team's PPA[0] (which is yet another version number: 3.2). Maybe
>> someone who uses Ubuntu can help here.
>> (At least I'm running gb.jit fine with LLVM 3.3svn which I compiled last
>> December or so.)
> Oh, and if you don't feel like doing this now, it's not a problem. gb.jit
> adds a just-in-time compiler for Gambas bytecode. This component is purely
> optional and will "just" speed up execution (of appropriate code).
> You can go ahead without gb.jit, compile, install and run Gambas -- all of
> it! (Except for some benchmarks of... the JIT compiler.)

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