[Gambas-user] Release goals for 3.7 / 4.0

PICCORO McKAY Lenz mckaygerhard at ...626...
Sun Oct 26 23:32:26 CET 2014

From: Beno?t Minisini <gambas at ...1...>

> I think for gambas 3.7 the changes between versions must stop
> (preferable),
> > so then the repository can be able to stable across time..

The rule is the following: A program made with Gambas 3.X will work with
all Gambas 3.Y where Y >= X, except if your program relies on the bad
> behaviour of a bug that is fixed in a new version.
> You have to do with that rule, as I don't see any other rule that allows
> me to continue working on it.
ok u have right, but for example, if some one made a good utility tht's
usefully for my enterprise
but its made in new gambas components.. i'hvn alowed to use in my gambas 3.4

now gambas have the desktop part wth lot of features, some of my manpowers
made components with newer version recent 3.6 and i must revise and return
to redone the work with older 3.4 due we use gambas for some daemons and
some cgi progrms (is the best for window migratng without re-learn)

> if i must have in constant update of my code respect the changes of gambas
> ... my concentration in funtional part does not goes well .. due in
> enterprices the time its a mandatory vector with no fallback point

or well another point its that  gambas can be compiled all new features in
any distribution that still server, for example, we still use squeeze and
on many servers, of course we use it in my job  with some well patcheds up
to date
packages made in home.. (and we think about offer a repo for that)

currently gabmas 3.4 and 3.5 compiles almost all in squeeze, on lenny nly
mis media and jit
i'm afraid that next releases will not compiles in squeeze at leats

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