[Gambas-user] A smtpClient question

Jorge Carrión shordi at ...626...
Sat May 31 11:47:08 CEST 2014

I've a Sub to send email.

If I send a no-attachment mail all is OK.
If I send a non-text attached file, All is Ok.
But If I send a mail with a text file attached then the mail sended
contains the text that I send AND the text inside the attached file as
body... AND the text file attached too.

My function is this:

Public Sub send_mail(aTo As String[], cSubject As String, cBody As String,
cFrom As String, Optional aAtach As String[], Optional abcc As String[])

    Dim enviador As New SmtpClient
    Dim s, fich, mime, fname As String

    enviador.debug = True
    enviador.host = mcomun.mailserver["host"]
    enviador.user = mcomun.mailserver["user"]
    enviador.password = mcomun.mailserver["password"]
    enviador.Alternative = False
    enviador.From = cFrom
    For Each s In aTo
    enviador.Subject = cSubject
    enviador.Body = cBody
    If Not IsNull(aAtach) Then
        For Each fich In aAtach
            Exec ["file", "-bi", fich] To mime
            mime = Left(mime, InStr(mime, ";") - 1)
            fname = Right(fich, - RInStr(fich, "/"))
            enviador.Add(File.Load(fich), mime, fname)
    If Not IsNull(abcc) Then
        For Each s In abcc



I suppose the smtpClient does something wrong when it detects thas is a
multi mime-part mail... or I'm doing something wrong.

Any help or suggestions?


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