[Gambas-user] Community Component Repo

Tobias Boege taboege at ...626...
Fri May 16 17:24:26 CEST 2014

On Fri, 16 May 2014, Tobias Boege wrote:
> [...]
>  (a) very special-purpose and therefore on the author's or the author's
>      client's computer or on his website;
>  (b) unstable and therefore on the author's computer, where it belongs :-) or
>  (c) general-purpose and at least runnable: then it's in the official source
>      tree already.
> [...]
> BUT providing a place to describe and document your component is the less
> important thing, IMHO. It would be more important to include a system where
> component developers can work on their components, in a version-controlled
> manner (!) and show their code to others without having to tar the sources
> (*cough* SVN would be ideal so we can easily integrate good components into
> the official tree *cough*). That *could* boil down to creating distinct
> branches of Gambas on SF's SVN repository...

Speaking of this, there was once a guy on gambas-devel who proposed some
kind of object-oriented document generation component (IIRC it would support
.odt and .tex) but he apparently discontinued the work on it.

The component clearly belonged to category (b) above but maybe with some
community support (of the kind which requires an online version-controlled
source code repository!) it would have worked out...


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