[Gambas-user] Patch with non text files?

Tobias Boege taboege at ...626...
Sun Jun 15 14:16:22 CEST 2014

On Sun, 15 Jun 2014, Antonio S??nchez wrote:
> Hi, is there any way to create a patch in Gambas in a project where you
> have added new non text files as images or sounds?

There is no difference between text and non-text files as far as it concerns
the programs "diff" and "patch" which are used by the IDE for patching. It
just happens that the IDE tests for the patch to be a text file. We have to
blame Benoit for that behaviour ;-)

$ svn blame FPatch.class | grep -B1 -A2 look
5835     gambas   If Not Project.IsTextFile(Dialog.Path) Then
5835     gambas     Message.Warning(("That file does not look like a patch file!"))
5835     gambas     Return
5835     gambas   Endif

I'll fix it in one of the next revisions.

Benoit, if there is a reason you added this code, please tell me and feel
free to revert my commit. However, the commit message for #5835 doesn't say
anything about it.


"There's an old saying: Don't change anything... ever!" -- Mr. Monk

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