[Gambas-user] Stopping an event when user clicks on the form menu

Bruce bbruen at ...2308...
Sat Jan 25 03:44:23 CET 2014

On Fri, 2014-01-24 at 16:21 +0100, Fabien Bodard wrote:
> http://gambasdoc.org/help/comp/gb.qt4/application/activecontrol?v3
> Returns the control having the focus.
> But return null for a menu or when the form lose the focus

Thanks Fabien, that's what I needed...

... but it's strange, no matter how long I stare at that link, I just
can't see that second line   :-)

Uhoh :-( spoke too soon.  Just before I sent this, I had another
thought.  Yep, I had fooled myself into thinking it was that simple.
Attached is a quickly mocked up demo of what's driving me nuts.

The use scenario is this:
1) If the user is just going to do stuff within the form, then they must
enter something into the "Must complete" box, then they can tab or click
anywhere else and do what they want.
2) But they can also do stuff in the File menu, load,save,new or exit.
This now works thanks to your input. What is there is some Dialogs and
some Message commands (and just Me.Close).
3) Or perhaps they want to change some program option. They should be
able to go Tools|Options which opens a form to change them. Guess what
4) Or perhaps they want to view the help files. (This one is "fake" it's
just there to demonstrate something). So they should be able to go Help|
Browse Help. 

IOW 2,3,or 4) need to be able to occur without invoking the error

Re: 4) this just uses an InputBox to demonstrate the same problem.

Any further ideas?


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