[Gambas-user] Gambas Future or what kind of Gambas we want.

Carl Nilsson nilsson at ...1979...
Wed Jan 22 15:17:00 CET 2014

To return to the RPi and the like:
As I posted on the Raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/ site on 22 Nov 2013 , I 
gratefully used an image file loaded into dropbox by "fuller" (see 
his post on 11 Aug 2012) for my wheezy-gambas3.img file - i.e. Debian 
wheezy with pre-installed Gambas3.2.1.  Any attempt to update the 
Gambas to 3.5 failed.  I did update my Linux, but any attempt to 
upgrade also failed. Using the .img file to load the CD card was 
easy.  Then there was some messing around getting Gordon's Wiring Pi 
installed and finally, using a script from "Brian's Life" and info 
from Brian Hensley's site, I got the SPI working.  I spent a great 
deal of time hunting around on the 'net.  As you note, I'm stuck with 
those versions, but I do have a working image at that level which 
should do me for a few years!.  You bet I've backed it up and I'm 
grateful for the help and assist i received from those sources mentioned.
Burning a new image is so simple even I can do it!  The lack is a way 
of keeping current with the developments of both Gambas3 and Linux, 
not to mention necessary add-ons like Wiring Pi (with SPI) that are 
necessary to properly utilise the attributes of the RPi.  The same 
thing would/will apply if and when I get a BeagleBone Black, which 
considerably out-performs the RPi.  I know it takes away some of the 
important free aspects of Linux and gambas and the other components, 
but I do pay for the hardware and I would not hesitate to pay for a 
supported OS image which combined at least the Linux, Gambas and 
"Wiring Pi" for these boards, so long as the price was commensurate 
with the philosophy of the boards themselves i.e. low.  You only have 
to see how the few dollars cost of the apps for smartphones and 
tablets gets multiplied by the take up to see how just a few dollars 
for software can even make a lot of money.   When you can multiply a 
very small cost by a million you get quite a large sum!.  That seems 
reasonable to me.  Otherwise I'm more of a parasite user than 
anything else.  I'll never be able to usefully contribute to the sort 
of software development which occupies most of this mailing 
group.  I'm not sure if that contradicts the basic licences for 
Gambas and  Linux, and all, but maybe shareware "donations" would 
help the take up of all this marvellous work by dedicated enthusiasts.
Just thoughts, Carl

At 07:29 PM 22/01/2014, you wrote:
>On Tue, 2014-01-21 at 17:58 -0500, Kevin Fishburne wrote:
> > On 01/21/2014 03:57 PM, martin p cristia wrote:
> > > Stepping in this old conversation to point out my take:
> > >
> > > -computers nowadays are fast enough to run a VM that's fast enough to
> > > run a normal aplication
> > >
> > > -If Benoit says it's complicated, what's left for us ??????????????????
> > >
> > >(snip)
>If there would be a decent Gambas repository for Debain, I would love to
>base GambOS on Debian (instead of Lubuntu), so that a Raspberry Pi
>version of GambOS could be made. This would be a pre installed
>Debian/Gambas on a SD card. All the ideas are there, but the lack of
>some needed experts is missing in the project.
>I'm still hoping for a Debian packager who can make a recent Gambas
>repository (the Debain ones suck), as all it would take is a ftp
>location at gambos.org, to put all the stuff and from there all can be
>installed and updated. But I'm no Debian packager.
>I still need to buy a Raspberry Pi, to see what is possible there and
>figure out how to make the OS on SD card. But again, GambOS needs to
>have a repository with Gambas for that as compiling Gambas is no option.
>People need to be able to easily update Gambas, not compile every new
>version, as that seems to take ages on Raspberry.
>At the moment I'm about the only one working on the project.


>Kind regards,
>Willy (aka gbWilly)
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Carl S Nilsson
137 Gordons Hill Road
Lindisfarne, Tas.
Australia 7015 

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