[Gambas-user] Cotrols don't show.

Bruce bbruen at ...2308...
Thu Jan 2 21:20:17 CET 2014

On Thu, 2014-01-02 at 15:06 -0500, ISS Boss wrote:
> Are you telling the Labels WHERE to show?  In VB you'd have to do something
>    like:
>    With frmMainForm
>      ' put your loop here
>    End With
>    VonZorch wrote, On 01/02/2014 15:00:
>  "lblHt[Loop1].Visible = True" that was the first thing I tried, didn't help.
> Thanks for the quick reply.
Dim Loop1 As Byte
  For Loop1 = 0 To 10
    lblHt[Loop1] = New Label(Me)
' A few other bits might help!!
    lblHt[Loop1].width = 37 
    lblHt[Loop1].H = 28
' and optionally
    lblHt[Loop1].Alignment = Align.Center
    lblHt[Loop1].Border = Border.Raised 

    lblHt[Loop1].x = 20
    lblHt[Loop1].y = 20 + (Loop1 * 30)
    lblHt[Loop1].Text = Str(Loop1)


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