[Gambas-user] Strange msq problem

Bruce bbruen at ...2308...
Fri Feb 14 13:35:23 CET 2014

On Fri, 2014-02-14 at 11:28 +0100, Roel Touwen [prive] wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> That is indeed from the email-wrapping. That part works fine. I get the 
> data from the database.
> The Sql what is sent to MySql is:
> *relation = '9123' and robotID = 1 and rectype = 'TS' and subID = '' and 
> sequencer = 0*
> But, as said, that part works.
> op 14-02-14 11:23, Bruce schreef:
> > On Fri, 2014-02-14 at 10:54 +0100, Roel Touwen [prive] wrote:
> >> Sql = "relation = '" & Main.RobotCust & "' and robotID = " &
> >>>>>> Main.RobotID & " and rectype = 'TS' and subID = '' and sequencer
> >> = 0"
> > After that line can you print (or debug) Sql.
> > Don't know (because of email wrapping) but it looks kind of weird to me.
> > B
Still guessing!

So you say that at
> >>      rsTimeSt = db.Edit("robots", Sql)

you have a writeable Result. I presume that rsTimeSt is a Result.

If so, does it fail on the next line:
> >>      rsTimeSt!msg = Hs

I see that Hs is a string, what is the dbms datatype of "msg".

We need more lower level debug info here. (Not, as some may know, that I
am great fan of MyBuggySQL.) I rigged up from what you have told us, and
some guessing, the same thing in postgresql and it runs with no

The first thing we need to know is exactly where there is a fail and how
do you see the symptoms. 

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