[Gambas-user] Gridview sort function

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at ...2345...
Wed Dec 24 22:30:20 CET 2014

Am Mittwoch, den 24.12.2014, 11:57 -0500 schrieb T Lee Davidson:
> Apparently I didn't take enough time, Bill.
> I only tested that the text of the TextBox changed appropriately for a column_click, I did not test clicking Button1.
> You are right. The value of TableView.Columns.Ascending within the Column_Click event does not agree with the value outside of the Column_Click 
> event. I do not understand this behavior.
> So I'd say that either there is something missing in the documentation, or this is a bug. I have attached a modified version of your sample that 
> shows this anomaly more clearly.
> Can anyone else shed some light on this?
> Lee

Salut Lee,

out of the help page 
_GridView_Columns.Ascending (gb.qt4)

Property Ascending As Boolean

Return or set the sort indicator orientation.

I read like this : Return or set the sort arrow orientation.
Only cosmetic/visible stuff.
And now you have to change your sort orientation.

Have nice holidays 

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