[Gambas-user] An utility component for Gambas

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at ...2345...
Mon Dec 1 23:42:11 CET 2014

Am Montag, den 01.12.2014, 16:27 -0600 schrieb Lewis Balentine:
> >>...and read the documentation of InStr carefully again.<<
> "This function only deal with ASCII strings. To manipulate UTF-8 
> strings, use the String class."
> P = String.InStr("Ũ", "ŷŶũŨẽẼĩĨòåš", gb.Binary)
> P = String.InStr("Ũ", "ŷŶũŨẽẼĩĨòåš", gb.IgnoreCase)
> P = String.InStr("Ũ", "ŷŶũŨẽẼĩĨòåš")
> P = String.InStr("Ũ", "xxxxŷŶũŨẽẼĩĨòåšXXXX", gb.Binary)
> P = String.InStr("Ũ", "xxxxŷŶũŨẽẼĩĨòåšXXXX", gb.IgnoreCase)
> P = String.InStr("Ũ", "xxxxŷŶũŨẽẼĩĨòåšXXXX")
> same result ... P=0

Salut Lewis,

Benoît said : and read the documentation of InStr carefully again.
Me too re-read http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/comp/gb/string/instr ,
(inverse your arguments). 

InStr(String As String, Pattern As String )


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