[Gambas-user] Issue 543 in gambas: Wrong string literal doesn't handled by IDE in Form files

gambas at ...2524... gambas at ...2524...
Fri Aug 1 10:17:16 CEST 2014

Comment #3 on issue 543 by MihanEnt... at ...2736...: Wrong string literal  
doesn't handled by IDE in Form files

Ok, thanks for a reply. I'll try newer version (now I'm bound to a Debian  
Wheezy' package version). Allow me to as a question: to fix this (already  
fixed) bug in a Debian package, I should search for the reason of bug in  
the source of IDE, and when contact Debian maintainer, who is involved with  
gambas package?
I'm asking because I'm not quite sure, that I understood the way bugfixes  
reach package repositiory

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