[Gambas-user] Issue 463 in gambas: v4l webcam remains idle when close program, and can be used

gambas at ...2524... gambas at ...2524...
Sat Sep 28 19:35:49 CEST 2013

Comment #3 on issue 463 by mckayger... at ...626...: v4l webcam remains idle  
when close program, and can be used

Hi benoit.. the commit made, only takes care of a property closed device  
into the close event..

i take a great felicity with gambas languaje, due its a great good work..

but u miscundestand ...

i mean, that if control are outside of a program, lest take about a daemon  
service made in gambas, and i already know that webcam are not used by  
other program, *but remainds idle due my program previusly close by anormal  
way.. i cannot reopen webcam!*

i have a service of asistence made in gambas, part of a payroll sistem, at  
23:59:59 restart all interfaces, and revise if all devices attached  
(scanner, barcode-reader and webcam) are ok and ready, and restart it if  
necesary... but currently i cannot close a idle device (that let  
openned/idle due prevous command was lauched bad way etc whatever) for  
reopen again...

of course, we solved that by sending a person to de-attach and re-attach  
the device and restart  program..

if this are out of bug behavior, u can mark as "wont-fix" and close this  

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