[Gambas-user] A little article on Gambas on Phoronix
ISS Boss
iss_boss at ...770...
Wed Nov 27 21:31:28 CET 2013
Nope. NELIAC was a language conceived at the Naval Research Labs
exclusively for the use of our Burroughs D820 computers. The whole
operating system, called AOSP (Automatic Operating and Scheduling Program),
was maintained right at our computing facility and never run on anything
else. We used punched cards at first (all 64,000 of them) and then managed
to mate three IBM tape transports (6 feet tall) to the CPU cabinet, which
was a 36-bit machine that existed in eight cabinets around 4-feet wide x
3-feet deep, and 4-feet across. All the other auxilliary cabinets were the
same size and housed I/O (100Baud TTY @ 48 channels), and memory (4096 words
each in 4 cabinets). There was not one single chip in the whole thing - all
discrete components. I still have the NELIAC manuals, actually, and drag
them out once in a while just to see what a complicated language it was.
Fun stuff!
Randall Morgan wrote, On 11/27/2013 15:18:
When I think of mission critical, I think of things that could cost
someone's life if failure occurred. Things like, aircraft guidance systems,
embedded medical devices, automotive steering and breaking systems, rail
switching systems, etc. You can argue that almost any software is mission
critical for it's mission. After all, if it fails the mission must be
scrubbed of another method must be found to complete the task the software
was to accomplish. While medical and business records are important, and
should be handy at all times in case of emergency, in most cases failure of
the software does not result in eminent loss of life as would happen if the
flight controls on the space shuttle failed during launch or the guidance
system on a 767 failed during landing. These are the situation I consider
mission critical and while I am a fan of Gambas, I would rather trust my
life to ADA as it was designed for just such applications, and GOD forbid I
use C/C++... ADA does not allow buffer overflows or other types of errors
that can often hide in an application and only peek their head out when
Murphy says it's ok... That is not to say that you can't code errors in
ADA, indeed, it is possible. But ADA makes more strides toward safe coding
practices than any other language I am aware of. That said, I wouldn't use
ADA for a records database. It is far to cumbersome a language for such an
app. Records should be backed up and if the app fails there is no eminent
loss of life from the app failing. There is an inconvenience, perhaps a
delay of treatment, but if the medical records are so important they must
be there or someone dies, then there should be more than one way to access
them, such as paper records and charts, and there usually is...
I've heard of NELIAC but never used it. Thought it was just the Navy's
version of ALGOL. VAX and iRMX, and DR CP/M... I think we're showing our
age. I'd bet you ran some Z80 machines too...
On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 3:48 PM, richard terry [1]<rterry at ...1823...>wrot
On 27/11/13 00:48, Benoît Minisini wrote:
Le 26/11/2013 14:07, PICCORO McKAY Lenz a écrit :
Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
due there's no critically apps on production environment, there's no
enterprise that uses gambas to any critical application , and i the
only one here that already have that!
I earn my life with a web application made with Gambas: I have currently
twenty servers running it Gambas 24 hours a day. Many problems
encountered of course, but no Gambas-related problem for a long time...
Here is what these applications do:
- Tracking cars, trucks, phone devices... displayed on a map.
- Managing tag cleaning of Paris.
- Managing most of road signs of Paris.
- Call center.
- ...and many other things I can't translate in english!
I've been running my surgery on gambas/postgres for nearly 3 years now,
and my friend Ian in Melbourne and a surgery up in Northern NSW is also
using the program. Not quite finished.... but certain is in a
mission-critical environment.
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