[Gambas-user] A little article on Gambas on Phoronix

PICCORO McKAY Lenz mckaygerhard at ...626...
Tue Nov 26 15:34:52 CET 2013

WOW!! how quickly response to my lasted mail about that topic!

well its clarelly that most linux users do not know already about that' facts!
so then the need its more stability, less "evolution" (ok ok, but that's enough)
gambas are really powerfully but litlle people already know it!

a example of power of gambas its www.gambasforge.org/index.html
but its only in french (i have now studing french oh men! god daemon!
due in that site theres a lot of resources of gambas, more rather than here ok)
due its only in french a lof of people loss relationship and code interchange!

another problem its the documentation, has two defects:
1) its only online
2) its vage on newer features and "evolutive" things such gb.web, gb.v4l, gb.jit
without good documentation, people dont want to use ... and loss interest

now i'll respond all the mails (thats was the most quickly response of
my mail history wow)

From: ukimiku <mkuyumcu at ...3233...>
> Yes, you are right. Do you know/remember "RealBasic"? The company has
> recently changed its name to "Xojo". They explicitly write on their website
> that they wanted to rid themselves of the "BASIC" image. I quite enjoyed
> programming in RealBasic a couple of years ago, though.
That's i was taking about
> But we should not concern ourselves too much with what other programmers
> think about our programming environment, should we? As long as we support
> each other sufficiently, I don't care how many people actually use Gambas.
well gambas its so far a sufficient comunity to mantain alive the
project, but the
time will consume that, and benoit will be alone if comunity dont expant,
benoit has familly and responsabilities to attent, not only gambas! so?
> Sure, if more people use it, chances are that they start programming useful
> components, but I personally intend to use Gambas for recreational purposes
> (mathematics) as well as, a bit, for professional tasks.
do u note that u said that "gambas its only for u'r creational purposes",
and for production critical env?
a Manager never will test a product that never has proved!

From: Beno?t Minisini <gambas at ...1...>
> I earn my life with a web application made with Gambas: I have currently
> twenty servers running it Gambas 24 hours a day. Many problems
> encountered of course, but no Gambas-related problem for a long time...
like me, i never have a gambas problem! i really thank to u men!
i have only 1 linux server Dell R710 16 cores, 32Gb ram with a SAN manager
enought powerfully for 10 years;
3 linux servers for intranet, networking WAN DNS and development repository;

i have a PAYROLL runnig ok! the assistence sistem its the only free
app that i made
> Here is what these applications do:
> - Tracking cars, trucks, phone devices... displayed on a map.
> - Managing tag cleaning of Paris.
> - Managing most of road signs of Paris.
> - Call center.
> - ...and many other things I can't translate in english!
Benoit, lke me, u are a little comunity inside a worldwide too big..
due no-one of that apps are used outside of u'r needs

>> twenty servers running it Gambas 24 hours a day. Many problems
> Oops, one Gambas word too much!
I have a PAYROLL systemn RUNNIG if this project got 2014 with good status,
i got 87 high-end servers migrated with a node of my application

Benoit i not taking about wich have more apps runnig,
i taking about that gambas must be knowed more rather than
a comunity of gambas-programing hobbies!

From: Tobias Boege <taboege at ...626...>
> I remember you mentioned that once but I didn't remember that it was _that_
> impressive!
well yes... but only fit their need's, that its the reason of the
comments on phoronix
there's no examples of high end well used apps made on gambas in enterprices!
the only linux distributions that ship with gambas its GambOS today

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