[Gambas-user] How do I get the names of fields with unknown names?

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at ...2345...
Sat Nov 23 20:57:25 CET 2013

Am Samstag, den 23.11.2013, 11:25 -0700 schrieb paulwheeler:
> I am trying to get a list of the tables in a SQLite database.
> According to SQLite.org the table called "sqlite_master" lists all the tables and indices in the DB[1]. I have a SQlite browser tool that seems to confirm that, because it returns table names from the target DB, when this is executed: SELECT 'tables' from SQLITE_MASTER
> My problem is getting the table names and the fields in each of the tables of a Database with an unknown structure. For this project, I do not know the name of the fields, because I am looking at DB's created by someone else. That means that the example included in the definition of "For Each" will not work. [0]
> Using Gambas, I connect to the SQlite database, then do a query:
> Public Sub DisplayDbInfo()
>     Dim strDbTablesQuery As String    ' The string that is the select statement
>     Dim rsDbTableInfo As Result
>     strDbTablesQuery = "Select name From sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' ORDER BY name"
>     rsDbTableInfo = $hConn.Exec(strDbTablesQuery)
>     ' For debugging:
>     Print "Num of Tables = " & rsDbTableInfo.Count     ' 9 Tables
>     Print "rsDbTableInfo.max = " & rsDbTableInfo.Max   ' 8
>     Print "Num of Fields returned = " & rsDbTableInfo.Fields.Count
>     For intCount = 0 To rsDbTableInfo.Fields.Count - 1  ' Number of Fields found
>          Print "rsDbTableInfo.Fields[i] = " & Str(rsDbTableInfo.Fields[intCount])
>     Next
>     However, all I get from the previous lines is this:  (ResultField 0x1aa6718).
>     I tried using 'Result', 'ResultField', 'Result.Felds' and other things, but I cannot get field names.
>     How do I get the actual name of the field?
> paul

Salut Paul,

this is out from DB-diff3 (you can get the whole code from here :
http://dashboard68.users.sourceforge.net/  )

Private Function fill_Fields(tbl As Table) As Collection
Dim fld As Field
Dim sKeyPraefix As String = tbl.Name & sSep & "FIELDS" & sSep
Dim colFields As New Collection
Dim clsFld As ClsFields
Dim sPKey As String
   For Each fld In tbl.Fields
      sPKey = Upper(sKeyPraefix & fld.Name)
      clsFld = New ClsFields
      clsFld.Key = sPKey
      clsFld.fldDefault = fld.Default
      clsFld.fldLength = fld.Length
      clsFld.fldName = fld.Name
      clsFld.fldTable = fld.Table
      clsFld.fldType = fld.Type
      colFields.Add(clsFld, sPKey)
   Return colFields


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