[Gambas-user] Headlines - RegEx submatch deprecation breaks office apps

richard terry rterry at ...1823...
Sun Nov 17 22:56:11 CET 2013

Hi Benoit, List,

I upgraded to what by accounts on the list was a stable package of 
version 3.5, this immediately broke our regex.submatches with the 
program crashing saying that this was 'deprecated'.

Doing a global commit to the new syntax and an svn commit of our own 
code then left us in a dilemma.

Now my 3.4.1 machines won't run the new code, which means users in other 
offices (read very busy general practices * 2  in NSW + 1 specialist 
office in Melbourne) are stuck.

Any chance of leaving deprecated code in a bit longer until those of us 
who lag a little behind get a chance to find out and update - often not 
a trivial task.

When one is running a busy office this is commercially dislocating to 
say the least.

How does one find old packages e.g 3.4.1 to go back to in this sort of 

It also means that any new improvements in our EasyGP program which we 
are working hard at to get to version 1.0 by early next year, can't be 
pushed out to users who are our beta testers. Like Gambas our effort is 
totally open source not designed for making money, just designed to give 
free/open medical software to the community.

Hope this makes sense.



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