[Gambas-user] Pre-release of Gambas 3.5.1

Kende Krisztián nemh at ...2007...
Sat Nov 9 19:06:40 CET 2013

2013-11-09 18:52 keltezéssel, Benoît Minisini írta:
> Le 09/11/2013 12:02, Kende Krisztián a écrit :
>> 2013-11-09 02:19 keltezéssel, Benoît Minisini írta:
>>> Hi,
>>> Here you can download a non-official pre-release of Gambas 3.5.1:
>>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/gambas/files/gambas3/gambas3-3.5.1.tar.bz2/download
>>> This releases mainly tries to fix the packager, but there are some bug
>>> fixes and new features related to the bug fixes too.
>>> Here is a summary of the changes in the packager:
>>> - The packager now uses the current Gambas major & minor version as
>>> minimum version for component dependencies.
>>> - If a project uses gb.gui, then the packager will create two extra
>>> meta-packages: one for Qt4 support, the other for GTK+ support.
>>> The Qt4 meta-package depends on the application package and the gb.qt4
>>> binary package. The GTK+ meta-package depends on the application package
>>> and the gb.gtk binary package.
>>> If OpenGL is used, the corresponding GUI opengl support packages
>>> (gb.qt4.opengl and gb.gtk.opengl) are added to the dependencies.
>>> - The Ubuntu package naming convention is respected: i.e. there is the
>>> "ubuntu" string in the package name.
>>> - The 'gb.desktop.gnome' component is now visible and explicitely
>>> checkable, so that it becomes an explicit dependency when creating a
>>> binary package with the packager.
>>> - You can specify the package version number: this must be used when you
>>> make and deliver several different packages of the same software release.
>>> Here are the new features:
>>> - Enum.Stopped is a new property that returns if the current enumeration
>>> has been stopped.
>>> - OPEN STRING is a new instruction that allows to use a string as a
>>> stream. Writing to it appends the written data to the end of the string
>>> at the moment.
>>> - Closing a string stream returns the data written to the stream as a
>>> new string.
>>> - WRITE behaves the same way as READ on a memory stream, when dealing
>>> with a string: it writes a null-terminated "C" string.
>>> - OPEN MEMORY and OPEN PIPE are synonymous of the MEMORY and PIPE
>>> instructions alone.
>>> - FileChooser now has support for uncompressing 'zip' files, provided
>>> that the 'zip' utility is installed on the system.
>>> - If 'gb.gui' cannot load a GUI component, it tries the other one. If
>>> nothing works, it aborts.
>>> - The default SDL font file is renamed as "_default.ttf" to prevent
>>> packaging conflicts.
>>> - JSON.Decode() now takes an extra optional argument indicating that
>>> keys having a null value are taken into account inside objects.
>>> - JSONCollection is a new class that represents a JSON object whose some
>>> keys are associated with a 'null' value.
>>> Please test it and report! Let's make 3.5.1 a quiet release. :-)
>>> Regards,
>> Hm, new features... So, it's not backward compatible with 3.5.0 runtime?
> Yes. But that's not a big deal:
> - Gambas 3.5.0 should not be used because of packager issues.
> - OPEN STRING and the memory stream changes are actually language fixes.
> - Enum.Stopped was needed to fix the JSON.Decode() method.

OK, I see.
I uploaded this pre-release to nemh/gambas3 PPA, and some users already 
use updated packages. Wait for the bug reports. :-)

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