[Gambas-user] Issue 438 in gambas: gb.xml.rpc sometimes doesn't parse data correctly due to incompleteness of received data

gambas at ...2524... gambas at ...2524...
Wed Jun 26 15:55:43 CEST 2013

Comment #4 on issue 438 by francois... at ...626...: gb.xml.rpc sometimes  
doesn't parse data correctly due to incompleteness of received data

When i look in latest revision i don't see the fix in miniserver.class :
     For cCount = 1 to 100 step 1
       cLen = Len(hBuffer[Bucle]) - InStr(hBuffer[Bucle], Chr(13) & Chr(10)  
& Chr(13) & Chr(10)) - 3
       If cLen = hLen[Bucle] Then Break
       Wait 0.01
Instead i see a hs.begin ... hs.Send in the hError method.
Benoit says that this is the way he implemented the fix...

I don't understand the relation between those two fixes...
The problem comes from the server which cannot handle multiple ip packets.
Trying to make the client send the request in one packet cannot be a good  
solution because the message could exceed the ip packet size.

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