[Gambas-user] Calling a internal function from parametres of external _callback function

Ru Vuott vuott at ...325...
Fri Jul 5 17:20:12 CEST 2013


Wanting to use the Jack API, and studying examples written in C, I meet some external "callback" functions that within their parameters have the reference to another function (this internal to the code).

Here an exemple of those external Jack API "callback" functions:

       jack_set_process_callback(client, process_callback, 0);

This function tells the Jack server to call process_callback whenever there is work be done, passing arg as the second argument.

Well, I'ld like to use this particular functions, but I do not know how I *have to declare* them when I use Extern:

     Private Extern  jack_set_process_callback(Pclient As Pointer, ...???.... As ....???..., Intarg As Integer)

In fact something like  "....As Function" is not possible.

Suggestions ?


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