[Gambas-user] Delete a file requiring Admin privilege

John Rose john.aaron.rose at ...626...
Sat Feb 2 19:24:06 CET 2013


OK that solves a simple example using Exec. Perhaps I should have given 
a more complex example: one where the directory contains a space and/or 
the filename contains a space:

The following works OK:
   sPath = "/home/john/Temp orary/q w.desktop"
   sLogPath = "/home/john/Temporary/Log.txt"
   Wait 1
   sCommand = "desktop-file-install " & " " &
                         Shell$(sPath) &
                         " >/dev/null 2>" & Shell$(sLogPath)
   hProcess = Shell sCommand
     Wait 0.1
   Loop Until hProcess.State <> Process.Running

But the following comes back with the help lines for gksudo i.e. where 
it does not understand the rest:
   sPath = "/home/john/Temp orary/q.desktop"
   Exec ["desktop-file-install", sPath] Wait
PS If I change sPath to not have a space in the directory (e.g. using 
Temporary) but having a space in the filename (e.g. q w.desktop) then I 
get the same.


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