[Gambas-user] Matrix resize

Jussi Lahtinen jussi.lahtinen at ...626...
Thu Dec 5 16:29:01 CET 2013

Unfortunately this is missing feature from Gambas. Maybe Benoit has reason
for it, I don't know.

However here is code for resizing 2D arrays:

Private Function Resize2DArray(hArray As Object, SizeX As Integer, SizeY As
Integer) As Object

  Dim hNewArray As Object = Object.New(Object.Type(hArray), [SizeX, SizeY])
  Dim ii As Integer, jj As Integer

  For ii = 0 To Min(hNewArray.Bounds[0], hArray.Bounds[0]) - 1
  For jj = 0 To Min(hNewArray.Bounds[1], hArray.Bounds[1]) - 1
    hNewArray[ii, jj] = hArray[ii, jj]

  Return hNewArray


And here is how to use it:

Dim iMyArray As New Integer[5, 5]

iMyArray = Resize2DArray(iMyArray, 10, 10)

As it's not native method, it's not that fast, but fortunately Gambas is
*very* often fast enough!


On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 2:20 PM, terco IDE <tercoide at ...67...> wrote:

> First of everything: BIG thanks to Benoit for crating Gambas!
> Is there any workaround for resizing matrices?
> rigth now, I'm using this code
> notMatrix.Resize(100*200)  ' 100 rows, 200 cols
> ' get element [row,col]
> x = notMatrix[col + row*200]
> , and on a big program, code get's really dirty
> Thanks!
> Saludos
> Martin
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