[Gambas-user] Gambas Comparison constant Gb.Like - How does it work ?

Ian Roper ian.roper at ...1974...
Wed Aug 14 19:49:57 CEST 2013


Could you please explain the way in which the comparison constant 
'gb.like' works.
I tried to use this to search a string array.

TmpArry.Add("Another Thing")
If TmpArry.Find("some",gb.like) > -1 then {/this does not work}//
I found the behavior was the same as gb.IgnoreCase.
it will return a value of the Array Index if you do this

If TmpArry.Find("something",gb.like) > -1 then {/this does work !}//
I made the assumption that it would search from left to right starting 
at the 'Start' parameter
I tried this:
If TmpArry.Find("some",gb.like,0) > -1 then {/this does not work}//
If TmpArry.Find("some",gb.like,1) > -1 then {/this does not work}//

/There was no difference in the results.

Many thanks.


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