[Gambas-user] compiling on Debian

Ian Haywood ihaywood at ...1979...
Mon Apr 29 02:03:06 CEST 2013

On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 2:58 AM, Adrien Prokopowicz
<adrien.prokopowicz at ...626...> wrote:

> I remember that a small part of gb.qt4 and gb.gtk were written in gambas
> (the Action class I think), making it an hybrid component, so that's why a
> gb.qt4.gambas were generated.
> But since the 3.4 version, this class has been moved to the gb.gui.base
> component, and now gb.qt4 and gb.gtk are now completely made in C/C++, so
> that's may be why that file is not generated anymore.
Thankyou Adrien, that solves the puzzle.
It's relatively easy to amend the Debian packaging scripts so they
won't look for this file.
I just wanted to make sure it wasn't some problem with my compilation.


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