[Gambas-user] Running Sudo using Exec acts very differently from distro to distro!!
Willy Raets
willy at ...2734...
Tue Apr 2 18:54:41 CEST 2013
Last post on this (see topic: Strange problem with running Shell on
Fedora) my executable run on Fedora.
Day after it didn't run anymore (and I changed nothing).
So I coded, tested, recoded and tried all kind of things, but it just
won't work.
So I decided to do some testing with code initially working on my
development system. And the results are confusing at least.
For example why am I getting different results running:
sudo -s id -u
on some systems for every time I run it (without any changes to code at
Attached gsudo.png shows the desired result (just for testing sudo)
Been playing and testing this for over 12 hours in total last few days
and whatever I do nothing seems to work on all systems.
Code run (see attached source archive):
Tested this on a bunch of distro desktop combinations running from both
IDE and gambas executable:
Added is my results and I'm stunned by them as to me they make no sense
at all!!
1. Code seems to work all the time on all Ubuntu based distros except
those running LXDE, Xfce and RazorQt
2. Code doesn't seem to work (or not all the time) on LXDE, Xfce
desktops no matter what distro
3. Code doesn't seem to work (or not all the time) on Debian
Tests result in attached file can be:
ok -> run as expected and with results returned
hung -> no reaction from application at all -> need to force quit the
executable or click STOP button in IDE menu bar. Can wait all I want for
something to happen
Is this a problem/bug in Gambas in combination with certain desktops?
Am I doing something wrong?
Why does it work and on a next run not work or vice versa?
Hope someone can figure this out as I'm out of options...
If you need more details, just let me know and I'll post them
Kindest regards.
Willy Raets,
Chairman Earthship Belgium vzw (npo),
Initiator behind earthshipeurope.org, EEBU, EECO and EECN
Kind regards,
Willy (aka gbWilly)
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===== When run from IDE AND When run from gambas executable =====
Test done:
Opened IDE run app -> closed app (or pressed STOP when hung) -> run app and so on for 5 times (no change in code)
Run executable -> closed (or Force quit when hung) -> run -> closed and so on for 5 times
First colom IDE Second colom Executable
GAMBAS 3.3.4
1. Linux Mint 13 - Mate 1.4.0 - sudo version: 1.8.3p1 (Ubuntu 12.04 based)
run 1 -> ok run 1 -> ok
run 2 -> ok run 2 -> ok
run 3 -> ok run 3 -> ok
run 4 -> ok run 4 -> ok
run 5 -> ok run 5 -> ok
2. Lubuntu 12.04 - LXDE 0.5.8 - sudo version: 1.8.3p1 (Ubuntu 12.04 based)
run 1 -> hang!! run 1 -> ok
run 2 -> hang!! run 2 -> hang!!
run 3 -> hang!! run 3 -> hang!!
run 4 -> hang!! run 4 -> hang!!
run 5 -> hang!! run 5 -> hang!!
3. Linux Mint 13 - Xfce 4.10 - sudo version: 1.8.3p1 (Ubuntu 12.04 based)
run 1 -> hang!! run 1 -> hang!!
run 2 -> ok run 2 -> hang!!
run 3 -> hang!! run 3 -> hang!!
run 4 -> hang!! run 4 -> hang!!
run 5 -> ok run 5 -> hang!!
GAMBAS 3.4.0
1. Debian 6.0.7 - Gnome 2.30 - sudo version: 1.7.4p4
run 1 -> hang!! run 1 -> ok
run 2 -> ok run 2 -> hang!!
run 3 -> hang!! run 3 -> ok
run 4 -> hang!! run 4 -> ok
run 5 -> ok run 5 -> ok
2. Kubuntu 12.04 - KDE 4.8 - sudo version: 1.8.3p1 (Ubuntu 12.04 based)
run 1 -> ok run 1 -> ok
run 2 -> ok run 2 -> ok
run 3 -> ok run 3 -> ok
run 4 -> ok run 4 -> ok
run 5 -> ok run 5 -> ok
3. Fedora 17 - LXDE 0.5.12 - sudo version: 1.8.6p7
run 1 -> hang!! run 1 -> hang!!
run 2 -> hang!! run 2 -> hang!!
run 3 -> hang!! run 3 -> hang!!
run 4 -> hang!! run 4 -> hang!!
run 5 -> hang!! run 5 -> hang!!
4. Xubuntu 12.04 - Xfce 4.8 - sudo version: 1.8.3p1 (Ubuntu 12.04 based)
run 1 -> hang!! run 1 -> hang!!
run 2 -> ok run 2 -> ok
run 3 -> ok run 3 -> ok
run 4 -> ok run 4 -> hang!!
run 5 -> hang!! run 5 -> ok
5. Ubuntu 12.04 - Unity 5.18 - sudo version: 1.8.3p1
run 1 -> ok run 1 -> ok
run 2 -> ok run 2 -> ok
run 3 -> ok run 3 -> ok
run 4 -> ok run 4 -> ok
run 5 -> ok run 5 -> ok
6. Salentos 12.04 - Razor Qt 0.5.2 - sudo version: 1.8.3p1 (Ubuntu 12.04 based)
run 1 -> hang!! run 1 -> hang!!
run 2 -> hang!! run 2 -> hang!!
run 3 -> ok run 3 -> hang!!
run 4 -> hang!! run 4 -> hang!!
run 5 -> hang!! run 5 -> hang!!
GAMBAS 3.4.0 (rev#5598)
1.Lubuntu 12.10 - LXDE 0.5.11 - sudo version: 1.8.5p2 (Ubuntu 12.10 based)
run 1 -> hang!! run 1 -> ok
run 2 -> ok run 2 -> hang!!
run 3 -> hang!! run 3 -> ok
run 4 -> ok run 4 -> hang!!
run 5 -> ok run 5 -> ok
2. Xubuntu 12.10 - Xfce 4.10 - sudo version: 1.8.5p2 (Ubuntu 12.10 based)
run 1 -> ok run 1 -> ok
run 2 -> ok run 2 -> hang!!
run 3 -> ok run 3 -> ok
run 4 -> ok run 4 -> hang!!
run 5 -> ok run 5 -> hang!!
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