[Gambas-user] Installation of Gambas3 in Suse12.2

Carl Nilsson nilsson at ...1979...
Fri Sep 28 14:43:10 CEST 2012

Further to my previous, I am now a much happier little gambas 
man!   I must say I am very impressed with how robust the openSUSE 
12.2 install procedure seems to be, in order to withstand my clumsy 
and inexpert attentions.  For any poor newbie who is reading this - 
and I guess the idea of installing gambas3 on Suse12.2 would appeal 
to quite a few - the following might be mildly interesting:
I had done quite a bit of searching on the net before I started to 
install gambas3, and one set of instructions pointed me to the 
home:munix9:gambas repository which I tried.  Then, the simple 
one-click install offered by openSUSE not seeming to work too well, I 
followed screen advice and used zypper to do the install.  Result - I 
ended up without  the gb-net-curl dependency.  (Now not quite sure 
whether I needed it or not!).   Anyway - the gambas3 IDE came up on 
command, but I had the difficulties outlined in my earlier reply to you.
On the basis of your posting, I went to the gambasdoc.org site you 
suggested below and read same pretty carefully.   The openSUSE 
reference was to Suse 10.2, hence my questions.   The guide was a bit 
critical of the gambas install process from openSUSE and wanted me to 
delete all previously installed packages before installing by 
individual compile.  So I went to the Suse 12.2 Yast2 software 
manager and started to delete the gambas packages one by one.  That 
seems unduly tedious, but I could not find the key to deleting them 
all with a keystroke.  I think I had knocked off two when I noticed 
that the Yast2 window showed not only the dependency version 
installed, but also the latest version available.  So I thought, what 
the hell, I have all these installed, I might as well try and update 
them all to 7.1.  So I did - although I cannot be sure exactly from 
which repository they came.   I reasoned that, even if the openSUSE 
install of gambas might not have been up to scratch when Suse 10.2 
was all the go, now time had passed and maybe problems had now been 
fixed - seeing we had passed through Suse 11 and now reached 
12.2.  So I tried gambas3 again and nothing seemed to have 
changed!!   So I played and played around on the gambas window trying 
to find a toolbox for the serial and timer examples when fortuitously 
I right-clicked the Form name on the Project list and the menu 
appeared.  I clicked "edit" and lo and behold, the window came to 
life and the toolbox appeared!  Marvellous!  So far so good.   For an 
old sod working alone like I do, trying to get something to work is a 
bit like the difficulty a pin ball has in trying to get to the bottom 
of a pinball machine!  On the journey you get stopped many times by 
simple things that seem so obvious afterwards and go ricocheting up 
to the start again!  I had spent hours trying to get the toolbox to 
show on the gambas examples.

I have looked again at the very useful guide "getting started with 
gambas" and I cannot see any mention of right-clicking the Form on 
the list, although it seems obvious with hindsight and I'm still 
chagrined that it took me so long.  One of the useful things about 
Windows is that there are often several ways to getting somewhere - 
redundancy for the novice.  I accept that gambas is the work of a 
dedicated few and not a large corporation like MS.  But one 
suggestion I would make is that: under the  menu  heading "Project" 
at the top, one item on the list might be "edit" and if that were 
selected, another menu listing the objects that could be edited could 
appear.  If that had existed, I would have got there quickly.  Now I 
realise that it is redundant and I would accept that the developers 
may not have time to deal with all such simple difficulties that the 
newcomer may have.  However, it is a suggestion.   The other 
difficulty I had was accessing the components (widgets) that I 
expected to find.  I had no trouble with the instructions (in 
"getting started...") with getting the list of "components" and 
selecting gb-net.  But all I saw was the same toolbox of basic 
widgets.  Again, I played and played with it until, finally, I 
recognised a very small arrow > on the right, which, when clicked in 
exactly the right place and the right hand tab in the box selected, 
the missing tabs for "network" etc came into view.   Only at this 
point did I know that my installation appears to be in order and the 
components I want are there.

All very obvious in hindsight.  Sometimes life seems more of a 
struggle than it need be!
Thank you for your advice.  Happy now.  Carl

Thank you for your helpful reply. (I'm not exactly sure how this 
mailing list works - I presume you and other subscribers receive this 
posting).   Your reference to the install guide below is seems most 
helpful. ....
Thanks for your time.

At 04:23 AM 28/09/2012, you wrote:
>Hi Carl,
>I guess that the packager forgot a requirement. See
>So, open YaST2, search for "libcurl" and install libcurl4 and libcurl-devel.
>Let's see if this helps.
>Am 27.09.2012 06:21, schrieb Carl Nilsson:
> > Dear Moderator:
> > I have installed Suse 12.2 mainly because I want to run gambas on
> > Linux as an alternative to VB6 on Win2K in a modest embedded
> > system.  I'm a newbie at Linux (and gambas) but used zypper to
> > (apparently successfully) install gambas3 from
> > /munix9:/gambas/openSUSE_12.2/.  However I got the message "could not
> > install gambas3-examples gambas3-gb-net-curl" because "nothing
> > provides gambas3-net = 3.2.1 needed by gambas3-examples
> > gambas3-gb-net-curl-3.21-6-21.i586"   Now, as a newbie I'm pretty
> > interested in examples in general, so Question 1 is whether or not I
> > should concern myself about that and Question 2 is how would I go
> > about remedying that omission.  I take it gambas3-net = 3.2.1 is some
> > sort of dependency - how widely needed I am unsure.  A quick google
> > search suggests that gambas3-gb-net-curl (or at least one version) is
> > a component package for "net-curl" - is part of a Fedora package for
> > X86 64 machines.  I am 32 bit (i586) at this stage, so maybe I can
> > ignore the whole bit - and I don't need my gambas project to work
> > on/with the net or with URLs, which I gather is what cURL refers
> > to.  Helpful comments?
> >
> > Carl S Nilsson
> > 137 Gordons Hill Road
> > Lindisfarne, Tas.
> > Australia 7015
> > 
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Carl S Nilsson
137 Gordons Hill Road
Lindisfarne, Tas.
Australia 7015  

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