[Gambas-user] Faults on new Project name

John Rose john.aaron.rose at ...626...
Fri Sep 21 16:51:11 CEST 2012

I've taken an existing project and done Save As with a new project name.
I've then amended this new project including setting the Project
Properties' Title & Description. I've added a new icon for the app into
the project's Data section (of the IDE) by right clicking Data etc.
However, when I Make Installation Package (of the new project) for
Ubuntu and install the resultant .deb, the icon in /usr/share/pixmaps
still displays as the old project's image even though its name is
newprojectname.png as per the name in the Data section. Why does the
icon's image not change on installation even though I changed it? 

Also, the entry in the Main Menu (for launching the new app) is not
generated by .gdebi. Why is this? I tried to keep the same parameters
when doing the Make as per the old project: Groups - database for the
Package Groups window, though there was no entry for the Other group (in
Applications) for the Menu Entry window so I selected Programming. Why
do entries listed in the Menu Entry window not match those in Ubuntu's
Main Menu Applications?

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