[Gambas-user] I can't believe this

RICHARD WALKER richard.j.walker at ...247...
Tue Oct 9 01:40:28 CEST 2012

> It's impossible to guess without seeing the source code.
I know you are right, but I have been staring at it, stepping through
it, adding checking variables and testing for hours and I cannot find
a thing wrong with it.

I know it must be something I have done, because it used to work, but
I have double-checked my changes and I can see nothing to cause this
to happen.

Please don't laugh, here it is.

The program scans a gambas code file and produces some output in
temporary files. It is looking for variable declarations. I have a
test variable declaration which reads "Public findme As String[]".

To produce the "fault" just run the program on its own  FMain.class
file. The scanning process identifies the test line and executes a
"Stop" You can trace the code from there and "watch" the IS_ARRAY_NAME
boolean to see it change.

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