[Gambas-user] Issue 334 in gambas: Broken error message from compiler

gambas at ...2524... gambas at ...2524...
Tue Oct 2 14:44:46 CEST 2012

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Version Type-Bug Priority-Medium OpSys-Any Dist-Any Arch-Any  
Desktop-Any GUI-Any

New issue 334 by jussi.la... at ...626...: Broken error message from compiler

1) Describe the problem.

Some code makes compiler unable to show correct error message,
when variable is declared twice.

2) GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATIONS (if they are appropriate):

Version: TRUNK
Revision: r5208
Operating system: Linux
Distribution: Xubuntu
Architecture: x86_64
GUI component: GTK+
Desktop used: XFCE

3) Provide a little project that reproduces the bug or the crash.

See attachment.

5) Explain clearly how to reproduce the bug or the crash.

Open attached project and try to compile it.
Picture of result also attached.

	GambasTester-0.9.28.tar.gz  17.0 KB
	Screenshot.png  19.2 KB

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