[Gambas-user] Gambas-user Digest, Vol 78, Issue 77

Federico Allegretti allegfede at ...626...
Fri Nov 30 18:53:50 CET 2012

> Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 13:15:03 +0100
> From: Beno?t Minisini <gambas at ...1...>
> Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] multiple mp3 play with gambas
> To: mailing list for gambas users <gambas-user at lists.sourceforge.net>
> Message-ID: <50B751C7.7080208 at ...1...>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Le 29/11/2012 13:02, Federico Allegretti a ?crit :
>> hello, after years developing in vb6/.net on windows platforms, i'm
>> forcing to switch to the linux operating system.
>> I discovered gambas like a very easy and painless very high level
>> programming language, and in few minutes i installed the IDE/compiler
>> and wrote down a simple mp3 player (using gb.sd.music)
>> now i need to find a way to replace my radio automation software (i
>> wrote in VB6) with something compatible with ubuntu systems, but i
>> discovered i cannot use gb.sdl to playback multiple mp3 files at the
>> same time (need to cross dissolve songs).
>> There are plan to extend g.sdl features or there is an alternative?
>> Other multimedia libraries (gstreamer)?
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Federico Allegretti
> The gb.media component is the Gambas interface to gstreamer. It is not
> complete, but powerful enough to implement a media player (see the
> MediaPlayer example).
> If you succeed in using it to play multiple sound files at the same
> time, just tell me. At the moment I only played one multimedia file at a
> time, and even don't know how to play several ones with gstreamer.
> Regards,
> --
> Beno?t Minisini

nice results using this simple code (needed buttons, labels and
reference to the gb.media are to drop on the form ... and a pair of
mp3 to play :D)

project attached

Private Player_A As MediaPlayer
Private Player_B As MediaPlayer

Public Sub _new()


Public Sub Form_Open()


Public Sub Button_play1_Click()
Player_A = New MediaPlayer As "MediaPlayer"

Player_A.URL = Media.URL(Label_file1.text)


Public Sub Button_File1_Click()

  Dialog.Title = "chose MP3 file"
  Dialog.Filter = ["*.mp3", "mp3 files", "*", "all files"]
  Dialog.Path = "."
  If Dialog.OpenFile() Then
      'Message.Info(Dialog.Path, "OK")
      Label_file1.Text = Dialog.Path



Public Sub Button_File2_Click()

  Dialog.Title = "chose MP3 file"
  Dialog.Filter = ["*.mp3", "mp3 files", "*", "all files"]
  Dialog.Path = "."
  If Dialog.OpenFile() Then
      'Message.Info(Dialog.Path, "OK")
      Label_file2.Text = Dialog.Path



Public Sub Button_play2_Click()
Player_B = New MediaPlayer As "MediaPlayer"
Player_B.URL = Media.URL(Label_file2.text)


Messagenet VOIP: 5338759

My blogs: http://altri-media.blogspot.com/

YouTube Channel: AllegFede

VIMEO HD videos: http://www.vimeo.com/user1912745/videos
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