[Gambas-user] Using MD5Sum On File

Christian DaGeek247 Stephens imageek247 at ...626...
Sat Nov 10 04:34:09 CET 2012

*alright, so I have set up three things; a file chooser, a label, and a
command button. What I want to do is get the md5sum of the file chosen
shown in the label when the user clicks the button. I can
use properties_md5.caption = Crypt.MD5(fchoose.Name) to get a random hash,
but i want to get the hash of the actual file, and not some random password
or something. How would I do this in gambas? I know it can be done fairly
easily in other languages, and I have looked at Google, but I cannot find
anything that seems to suit my needs.*
*Any and all help is greatly appreciated.*
*If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,*
*and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,*
*and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,*
*then the socket packet pocket has an error to report! *
*           **DaGeek247 of http://dageek247.tk/*

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