[Gambas-user] Issue 352 in gambas: gambas3 XMLReader component generates wrong output (gambas2 was working fine)

gambas at ...2524... gambas at ...2524...
Thu Nov 8 12:58:29 CET 2012

	Status: Accepted
	Owner: adrien.p... at ...626...
	Labels: -Version Version-TRUNK

Comment #1 on issue 352 by adrien.p... at ...626...: gambas3 XMLReader  
component generates wrong output (gambas2 was working fine)

By default, the new XmlReader stops when encountering the end of an XML  
element. As a workaround, this behaviour can be modified by setting the  
appropriate reading flag :

    XmlR.ReadFlags[XmlReaderNodeType.EndElement] = False

This seems to fix the problem. But to my knowledge, the old XmlReader  
stopped on the end of an XML element too, so the default reading flag  
setting is good, and there should be no need to change it.

I will investigate ...

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