[Gambas-user] About library and component packaging in Gambas 3

Bruce Bruen bbruen at ...2308...
Fri May 4 15:25:27 CEST 2012

Subtopic autotools

autotools now works like a dream.  We have been distributing stuff via
autotools for several days now and have only come across the following

"make uninstall" (as root) appears to work but in fact doesn't.  Given
that we have installed "sysinfos-0.0.2.tar.gz" via the usual 
  unpack/cd src dir/ config/make/(root)make install 
then we can see it quite well via:

    [root at ...2711... ~]# which sysinfos.gambas 

However, when I try to use the "uninstall" target, I get:

    [root at ...2711... sysinfos-0.0.2]# make uninstall
    Removing sysinfos.gambas file... rm /usr/local/bin/sysinfos.gambas
    [root at ...2711... sysinfos-0.0.2]# 

which appears to have worked at face value, but in actual
fact /usr/local/bin/sysinfos.gambas still exists!!

    [root at ...2711... sysinfos-0.0.2]# ll /usr/local/bin/sys*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6820 May  4
22:08 /usr/local/bin/sysinfos.gambas*

(I have also tried the "make uninstall-am" and "make unistall-locall"
with no better result, but I don't think that is an issue.)

1) There doesn't seem to be an "uninstall" target in the makefiles that
I can see so I can't add any value here.
2) Although, obviously root could simply
"rm /usr/local/bin/sysinfos.gambas", there really should be a working


p.s. The source (and autotools) packages for "sysinfos" is in the
related post "Distributing Libraries etc".

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