[Gambas-user] Question on networking between one Gambas application that acts as both client and server

Willy Raets willy at ...2734...
Wed Jun 27 03:26:29 CEST 2012

On di, 2012-06-26 at 17:34 -0700, Randall Morgan wrote:
> Will this be done in a direct P2P fashion or using a master hub?

I was thinking P2P

> If you are doing this in a direct peer to peer then your players will
> need to handle locating their friend's machine on the net perhaps via
> the IP address and may need to set up their machine at home to allow
> your chosen protocol be passed through to their machine. If you use
> http then the protocol will not be an issue. UDP may on some routers. 

I have been thinking about the router issue and what protocol to as
well. Guess I'll see what works best

> There are a few books on network game programming. These may help you
> out some. There are also some good online tutorials to get you
> started:
> http://gafferongames.com/networking-for-game-programmers/
> Checkout GameDev and Gamasutra sites as well. 
> This page has a list of game dev sites (on the right hand side) that
> mat be helpful: http://www.codebox.8m.com/gameprog.htm

I will have a look at all the information and see what comes up :-)

> There are many many ways to inplement this. Start simple if you have
> no networking experience. Read and review the GB network components.
> The networking issues will be the same no matter what language so read
> what you find on python and c/c++ and apply that knowledge to gb.

I was planning on starting small and simple. I do have network
experience but not in a P2P coding kind of manner, so that is kind of
new and I will have a good look at all networking components gambas has
to offer.

> Hope this helps.

Hope so too :-) 
Guess I will know soon enough



> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Willy Raets
> <willy at ...2734...> wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         I'm thinking about an application (game) that can act as both
>         client and
>         server and thus one persons application can connect over
>         TCP/IP with
>         another persons application.
>         The initiating application will go in some server modus, the
>         other in
>         some client modus.
>         If person on Server side does stuff in the games this needs to
>         be fed to
>         the application on Client side somehow and game there is
>         updated
>         accordingly. On the other hand if the person on the client
>         side does
>         something this needs to be fed to the server and both games
>         need to be
>         updated.
>         So on the client side all needs to be accepted from the server
>         side as
>         that is where the actual game is run.
>         Idea is one application that can act both as server and as
>         client.
>         So people having the same game can play a network game.
>         I was thinking of starting off turn based game to make it a
>         little
>         easier to start with.
>         I have no idea where to start although I looked around on
>         Google a lot.
>         Any suggestions that might get me going...?
>         Thanks,
>         Willy
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>         Gambas-user mailing list
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> -- 
> If you ask me if it can be done. The answer is YES, it can always be
> done. The correct questions however are... What will it cost, and how
> long will it take?

Met vriendelijke groeten/ With kind regards,

Willy Raets,
Earthship Belgium vzw.

Nederlandse website: http://www.earthshipbelgium.be/nl.html
English Website: http://www.earthshipbelgium.be/en.html

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