[Gambas-user] Window position error on applying stored "geometry"

Bruce bbruen at ...2308...
Sun Jun 3 03:02:59 CEST 2012

On Sun, 2012-06-03 at 01:24 +0100, RICHARD WALKER wrote:
> Using Gambas 3.1.1 as distributed with Mageia 2. I believe it may be
> somewhat patched as it includes Mageia in the packaging wizard
> distribution selection screen.
No, Mageia is in the original.

> I have a small front-end program for controlling jack_capture for
> which I have implemented a .conf settings file. Amongst other things,
> the settings file stores the last screen location/size. The entry in
> the .conf file may look like this:
> [Window]
> Geometry=[574,26,344,148,0]
> At startup the program will actually appear at 574,52. If this
> location is stored to the .conf file on exit then the next startup
> will put the window at 574,78. In general the window will always
> appear at a location 26 pixels below the "restored" setting.
> It is not, perhaps, a coincidence that the task-bar height is 26
> pixels. If I create a settings .file entry like this:
> [Window]
> Geometry=[574,0,344,148,0]
> then the program will open with its window tucked up neatly below the
> task bar. The Fmain.Top value will, of course, be 26. Changing the
> task bar height to 32 will change all of the displacements from 26 to
> 32.
> So far, so good. If I can find the panel in the Desktop.Windows list
> then I can change my Settings file write procedure to incorporate the
> offset thus:
> Adjusted_Top = Fmain.Top - panel_height
> Settings["Window/Geometry"] = [Fmain.Left, Adjusted_Top, Fmain.Width,
> Fmain.Height, 0]
> That should solve the problem, but I am not clear as to why it  is
> necessary. Why not use absolute screen locations and completely avoid
> the task bar issue?
> The observant among you may be wondering why I did not use the Write
> settings method. In fact I have used it but it causes a crash if the
> program is closed when it is on the second monitor. I can, however,
> use
> Settings.Read(Fmain, "Window")
> which will load the screen settings correctly, whichever screen is
> indicated by the X location.
> I was wondering if this is only an issue with Gambas 3 on the LXDE
> desktop, but I cannot test this as I am keeping this machine
> lean'n'mean; that means KDE4 and Gnome 3 are not allowed near it.
I'm with you there Richard! :-)  I've been using LXDE since the first KDE4 debacle was released

> Richard

Now this is a wild guess, but are you running lxpanel at the top of the
screen?  There is an outstanding bug regarding this going back about 2
years or so, especially if it has the default name.

I run mine down the left hand side and
1) Settings.Write and Settings.Read both work fine
2) The window does not move down the screen.

I do remember such an effect happening with something else not gambas,
so maybe???

Anyway the sun just came out in Strathalbyn and I'm off to lunch! So
best of luck.

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