[Gambas-user] Bizarre things with controls

Caveat Gambas at ...1950...
Mon Jan 23 10:08:53 CET 2012

Hi John,

For compiling Gambas, I use a script which was originally inspired by
Kevin Fishburne of this mailing list.  I've hacked it around a bit and
added stuff to it over time.

The script is called comp_gambas and is attached herewith.  The script
contains all (?) the commands needed for compiling with or without
optimisations, getting the latest or a specific svn version etc.  I just
comment out/uncomment lines as needed.

Perhaps this script should be hosted somewhere on gambasdoc so we can
maintain it/point new "compilers of Gambas" to it...

Kind regards,

On Sun, 2012-01-22 at 16:28 +0000, John Rose wrote:
> Benoit,
> I do not know how to install #4415. Can you refer me to a howto for it?
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-------------- next part --------------
# Install dependencies, normally only needs running once
# This example works for Ubuntu, but YMMV
#echo Installing dependencies...
#sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf libbz2-dev libfbclient2 libmysqlclient-dev unixodbc-dev libpq-dev libsqlite0-dev libsqlite3-dev libgtk2.0-dev libldap2-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libgtkglext1-dev libpcre3-dev libsdl-sound1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsage-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libbonobo2-dev libcos4-dev libomniorb4-dev librsvg2-dev libpoppler-dev libpoppler-glib-dev libasound2-dev libesd0-dev libdirectfb-dev libaa1-dev libxtst-dev libffi-dev kdelibs4-dev firebird2.1-dev libqt4-dev libglew1.5-dev libimlib2-dev libv4l-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libgnome-keyring-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev

# If you run comp_gamas from the right dir, you probably don't need this
# cd ~/dev/gambas3

# Completely remove all source/build files
#echo Removing existing trunk
#rm -fr trunk

# Check out latest revision
echo Checking out latest revision
svn checkout https://gambas.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gambas/gambas/trunk/
cd trunk

# Check out specific revision
# echo Checking out specific revision 4152
# mkdir rev4152
# svn checkout -r 4152 https://gambas.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gambas/gambas/trunk/ rev4152
# cd rev4152

# Reconf all
#echo Reconfigure all

# Configure, normal with optimize ON
echo Configure - optimization ON

# Configure, optimize OFF for debugging
#echo Configure - optimization OFF
#./configure --disable-optimization

# Delete previous build stuff
echo Make clean
make clean

# Normal make
echo Make with optimizations

# Make without optimizing, usually for debugging
#echo Make without optimizations
#make "CFLAGS=-O0 -g" "CXXFLAGS=-O0 -g"

# Install
echo sudo make install
sudo make install

# Start Gambas3
echo Done, starting Gambas3...

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