[Gambas-user] File opening dialog and one more question

M. Cs. mohareve at ...626...
Thu Jan 5 16:40:26 CET 2012

Unfortunately the built-in file opening dialog just doesn't work for
me. The project has been ported from G2 to G3. I have a filter added
for the .tar.gz filetype but although it shows the correct files, I
cannot open them. The OK button simply doesn't work. It's maybe up to
the porting. I'll check it.

2012/1/5, Caveat <Gambas at ...1950...>:
> Part one
> I never really looked into how GTK-alike the FileChooser was, but it
> didn't seem to 'fit' on my regular forms, so I just made a small Form
> which handles file choosing/opening and raises the appropriate events.
> To answer part two...
> As I understand it, static variables exist only once for the class
> regardless of how many instances of the class you have in memory.
> Non-static variables exist per instance of the class.
> A static variable that's not defined as a Const can be a little
> dangerous (or at least confusing), as anyone changing the value on a
> particular instance of the class changes it for all other instances of
> that class too (as there is only one 'copy' of the variable).  Const
> implies static...so the static keyword is optional when defining a
> const.
> As an example, you might have a CurrencyConverter class which defines
> Euro to Belgian Francs as a static const set to 40.3333, UKP to US$ as
> static (but not const... so changing it on one instance of
> CurrencyConverter will change it for all instances), and the amount to
> convert as non-static, non-const... hope that example made some sense!
> Regards,
> Caveat
> On Thu, 2012-01-05 at 12:35 +0100, M. Cs. wrote:
>> Hi,
>> in G2 we had a file opening dialog which was identical as KDE's native
>> one. It seems to be removed, or am I wrong? I would like to have that
>> old one. It's more convenient with the system-wide bookmarks etc.
>> And the question: I don't understand the STATIC word's meaning. Is it
>> given to define a constant inside a class? What's the practical usage
>> of it? I have to redesign my Gambas project, and I need to know the
>> exact usage. The documentation didn't make it clear to me. I Know what
>> Public and what Private is. Thanks!
>> Csaba
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