[Gambas-user] Gambas bug?

Fabián Flores Vadell fabianfloresvadell at ...626...
Sat Feb 11 00:33:25 CET 2012

2012/2/10 Emil Lenngren <emil.lenngren at ...626...>

> So what you want is to extend the array class with some extra methods?
> Just use
> Inherits Person[]
> in the PersonList class ;)

Did you read the code and comments?

Not at all. I don't want use inheritance because I won't all methods and
properties from Array[] in the PeopleList interfaz. Hence, I have to use
aggregation (composition, delegation).

If I use inheritance, the clients of PeopleList could do bad things or
things that have no sense (as the case), e.g.


This isn't the best example. But if you think about a minute, you will
catch it.

Do not focus on the example, because really, what I want isn't to add to a
class methods from an array (that's just an example). I looking for a
design pattern that allows me to solve a typical problem.

That problem could be described as "How to add methods from a helper object
without have to rewrite a wrapper for each method (with just a call within)
in the host class?".

Fabián Flores Vadell

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