[Gambas-user] Issue 365 in gambas: Gambas creates hijackable directory in /tmp

gambas at ...2524... gambas at ...2524...
Thu Dec 13 22:44:49 CET 2012

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Version Type-Bug Priority-Low OpSys-Linux Dist-Any Arch-Any  
Desktop-Any GUI-Any

New issue 365 by lcash... at ...626...: Gambas creates hijackable directory in  

1) Describe the problem.

Gambas creates a directory in /tmp called gambas.UID where UID
is the user id of the person running the software. Gambas doesn't check
to see if a malicious user has already created that directory.

A malicious user can then manipulate (mv or remove) that directory once  
has created files under it.
larry at ...3053...:/tmp$ mkdir gambas.0
larry at ...3053...:/tmp$ ls -ld gambas.0
drwxr-xr-x 2 larry staff 4096 2012-12-13 16:37 gambas.0
larry at ...3053...:/tmp$ cd gambas.0
larry at ...3053...:/tmp/gambas.0$ ls
larry at ...3053...:/tmp/gambas.0$ ls -l
total 4
drwx------ 2 root root 4096 2012-12-13 16:37 25257
larry at ...3053...:/tmp/gambas.0$ rm -rf 25257
larry at ...3053...:/tmp/gambas.0$

User larry was able to remove the directory gambas created as root.

2) GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATIONS (if they are appropriate):

Version: gambas3-runtime-3.3.4~lucid2
Operating system: Linux
Distribution: Ubunt
Architecture: x86_64
GUI component: QT3 / QT4 / GTK+
Desktop used: Gnome

3) Provide a little project that reproduces the bug or the crash.

ubuntu-builder runs as root

4) If your project needs a database, try to provide it, or part of it.

5) Explain clearly how to reproduce the bug or the crash.

6) By doing that carefully, you have done 50% of the bug fix job!

IMPORTANT NOTE: if you encounter several different problems or bugs, (for
example, a bug in your project, and an interpreter crash while debugging
it), please create distinct issues!

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