[Gambas-user] Two question on creating a form with controls from code

Willy Raets willy at ...2734...
Sat Aug 25 23:01:13 CEST 2012


I've been playing with creating forms from code and run into a few
problem. Gambas documentation doesn't provide me the answer.

1. In IDE you have a form property Scaled (just below resizable) that
can be set to True or False (see attached screenshot).
When creating a form from code it seems impossible to set the Scaled
property. Looked for it in the documentation but can't seem to find
anything, or did I miss something?


Dim FrmTest As New Form
With FrmTest
    .Caption = "Test form"
    .AutoResize = False
    .Height = 360
    .Width = 580
    .TopOnly = True
    .Scaled = False    '<==== this doen't work, so how does it work?
 End With

2. Font documentation is very unclear on how to set a font on a control
created from code.


Dim FrmTest As New Form
Dim lblTest As Label
lblTest = New Label(FrmTest)
With lblTest
   .Height = 20
   .Width = 80
   .X = 10
   .Y = 10
   .Text = "Text on Label test"
   .Font    '<=== How do I set the font for example to MonoSans, 10 pt?
End With

Someone any hints, examples or links to a solution?


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