[Gambas-user] Reading pen pressure from wacom tablets

Benoît Minisini gambas at ...1...
Fri Aug 17 18:02:32 CEST 2012

Le 17/08/2012 12:24, Ricardo Díaz Martín a écrit :
> Ok, so when you define special events for tablets and make PointerX and
> PointerY relative to the control I'll change the project.
> Regards,

Hi again,

1) In revision #5051, I have updated the Tablet event management:

- Finally I decided to keep the DrawingArea tablet property. But I 
renamed it 'Tablet' instead of 'UseTablet'.

- So there is no special events. Just MouseDown, MouseUp and MouseMove.

- Pointer absolute coordinates are now returned in Pointer.ScreenX and 
Pointer.ScreenY properties.

- Pointer.X and Pointer.Y return the pointer coordinates relative to the 
control receiving the events.

2) I have modified gb.gtk so that it enables all detected XInput pointer 
devices (they are all disabled by default apparently). Does it change 
something when you use your example with gb.gtk?

I have a strange idea anyway if it does not work: using the GIMP device 
configuration file to configure the devices! But the user will have to 
install GIMP and configure XInput devices from it. A bit weird, isn't it?

3) I'd like to put your project in the Gambas examples, but it has a few 
problems. Can you fix them?

- Controls should be made private to the form.

- It is useless and slower to write 'Me.MyControl' to access MyControl 
from its form. Just write 'MyControl'.

- Can you use the Paint class instead of the Draw class? The Paint class 
can draw things anti-aliased at floating-point coordinates.

Thanks in advance.

Benoît Minisini

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