[Gambas-user] About library and component packaging in Gambas 3

Bruce Bruen bbruen at ...2308...
Sun Apr 29 06:45:56 CEST 2012

Hi Benoit,

A few comments inline...


On Sat, 2012-04-28 at 15:26 +0200, Benoît Minisini wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm continue in fixing problems in library and component packaging. Here 
> are the last news...
> Since revision #4687, there is now a project type option in the project 
> properties dialog, which allows to make the difference between a normal 
> project, a library and a component.
> What are the differences between the three types?

SUGGESTION: Libraries should not need to have a startup class.  At the 
moment I "must" include a dummy module to prevent any test-harness code
leaking into the user environment (which could cause damage if the
library were to be run as a normal gambas executable.)  At the moment
the IDE will not let a library be made into an executable or packaged
unless it has a startup class.  It would be preferable that projects
defined as libraries would not execute via the runtime, that way test
harness code could be left in place.  Currently I have to check that the
coders have left the startup class pointing to the following:-

' Gambas module file

' Null module to provide a fake startup point

Public Sub Main()
  Error "Please do not run this as a program. It is a gambas library."

> - There is a library/component properties dialog.
> - No icon is packaged.
Not sure about this as far as the autotools packager is concerned.  The
icon.png is certainly in the gzip file (but is this because autotools is
a "source" level package?) 

> - No menu entry is defined in the package.
> - The package name is "projectname-X.Y.Z" where "X.Y.Z" is the version.
> - The vendor can be added as a prefix optionally.
Are there any pros and cons here?

> - The package has dependencies on other components and libraries checked 
> in the project properties dialog.
This is unclear.  I was under the assumption that the Project Properties
dialog Components and Libraries tabs indicated the items that are needed
when running the library within the IDE (i.e. in test mode) and the
Component Properties dialog defined the dependencies for the library
when it runs as a library i.e. in another application (whether that
application is running in the IDE or via gbx3).
We use a few "private" libraries to develop and test the libraries we
distribute to users and the approach I have been using is to include
them in the "Project Properties" dialog but not the "Component
Properties" dialog.  (Again, this relates back to including test harness
code in the library and perhaps Issue 123.) Could you clarify please.

Further, it is unclear what the "Extra Dependencies" step in the RPM
based packagers is for?  Perhaps a little note in the header, similar to
the "Extra files" step.

> - There is a library/component properties dialog.
> - No icon is packaged.
> - No menu entry is defined in the package.
> - If the project has control icons, they are packaged.
> - The package name is "gambas-vendor-projectname-X.Y.Z" where "X.Y.Z" is 
> the version.
> - The vendor prefix is mandatory, it is "gb" by default.
> - The package has no dependencies on other components and libraries. 
> This is supposed to be managed directly by the IDE. Components are a 
> special beast that should be included directly in Gambas sources.
Again,this last bit is unclear.  We use some custom control components
in our product.  Some of which have dependencies on native gb
components, e.g. gb.db and at least one of which is dependent on another
home grown component (i.e. our "phDataControls" component is dependent
on both gb.db and our "phBaseControls" component.  This has worked fine
until now.  I haven't checked this yet but does it mean that from 4687
on, that this will no longer work?

> - There is no library/component properties dialog.
> - The "make executable" dialog can create a desktop shortcut automatically.
> - The packager has an icon and a menu entry.
> - The package name is "ProjectName-X.Y.Z" where "X.Y.Z" is the version.
> - The vendor can be added as a prefix optionally.
> - The package has dependencies on other components and libraries checked 
> in the project properties dialog.
> Please try it and give your remarks!
> Regards,

I have checked the autotools packaging (which is how we have hitherto
been distributing our product to end users) and it works fine.

I tried using the Mandriva and Fedora RPM based packaging, which allowed
me to create proper looking distribution packages, but ...

When I tested the installation locally I run into the following problem.
There is a dependency requirement on "gambas-runtime" version
3.blahblah ... This makes sense except that there is no "gambas-runtime"
for my home made system, I build and install from the source archive.
Also, this is how we have set it (gambas) up on all the client's
Is there a way to remove this dependency from being included in the RPM
package build?  


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