[Gambas-user] Read a binary file

Oliver Etchebarne Bejarano oliver at ...2681...
Sun Sep 18 07:40:30 CEST 2011

Hi everyone

I'm doing a little webserver in Gambas. Everything is ok so far, but I'm 
having a hard time dealing with binary files (like images). Is there a 
way to read a file in a raw fashion?

I've tried to do an OPEN file FOR READ, and using a "byte" variable as 
buffer. But the bytes are read in this orden: 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 
etc... I think it's something about the endiannes.

Again, there is a way to read a file without any format constraints? 
Thank you!!!!

  /Oliver Etchebarne Bejarano/
  Gerente General
  *Paperclip X10 SRL*
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