[Gambas-user] Gambas2 Bug

Rolf-Werner Eilert eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Fri Oct 28 18:28:59 CEST 2011

Sorry, pressed the SEND button too fast :-)

> *Am I allowed to attach files to this email?*

As far as I know, yes, but not too big ones.

> *I have a menu, and it used to have input box code and a few if statements.

For me, a menu is this thing at the top of the form, or a pop-up 
(usually from right-click). It has words, sometimes some icons, and will 
let you jump into functions from there. But I've never seen a menu with 
an input box and/or if-statements. Do we talk about different things here?

> *I changed it to show a form called Delays*

So the menu text is e. g. "Edit delay..." and you call SUB EditDelay 
which will call Delay.ShowDialog ???

> *I run it and it still does the input box code, even after saving, resetting
> the Gambas settings, and restarting.*

No, I don't understand. Maybe you are talking about something completely 
different... :-) Do you really mean "menu"?

> *The next step is reinstalling gambas2, but the computer it is on does not
> have internet without moving it to another spot in the house, so I'd rather
> avoid i if possible.*

Reinstalling Gambas won't help, I guess. What maybe wrong (if you change 
something and it still is there) is something in your .form or .class 
files. It would pay to post them here. If they are too big, pack them 
into a tgz.

I must say, however, that I haven't experienced such heavy errors caused 
by Gambas2 for a long time, so the version you use won't matter that much.



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