[Gambas-user] Simple (I hope) - A list of windows opened by the current app

Caveat Gambas at ...1950...
Sat May 21 10:53:39 CEST 2011

Hi Bruce

I'd suggest you have a startup module that you use to 'manually' open
the forms.  Keep track of the detail forms you've opened in a Collection
or array.  If you raise an event from the 'main' form when the user
clicks on a detail line, you can handle it appropriately in your
module... look through the list of detail forms you already have open,
if it's already there, give it the focus/bring it to the top, if not
then open a new detail form and store it in your collection.

I have some sample code which you could probably adapt if you need it.

Hmmm, maybe Benoit can help you on this one.  It's not the behaviour I
would expect...


On Sat, 2011-05-21 at 17:06 +0930, Bruce Bruen wrote:
> My main form has a list view which allows the user to open a new form 
> for each of the items when they double-click on a row, but if the detail 
> form is already open then all I want to do is bring it to the "top".
> Achieving this is being fouled by:
> 1) is there a collection/list/whatever of all the windows that belong to 
> the Application
> 2) when the user minimizes one of the detail windows, all the 
> application windows are minimized
> (yep, I know I stuck two problems in one message =-O )
> tia
> bruce
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