[Gambas-user] Dinamic lines

M. Cs. mohareve at ...626...
Thu Jun 30 09:01:58 CEST 2011

Let me give a detailed explanation:
In example Chart there are two forms. The first one is for collecting
the chart data, so it isn't very interesting. I'll list you the second
class, which is reponsible for the chart-drawing:

Public total As Integer
Public value As Float[]

Public Sub btnClose_Click()



Public Sub _new()



Public Sub Form_Open()



Public Sub Draw_Chart()

  Dim i As Integer

  Dim skala_1 As Integer
  Dim skala_2 As Integer

  Dim distance_x As Float
  Dim distance_y As Float

  Dim width_draw As Integer
  Dim tot As Integer
  Dim colors As Integer[]
  Dim bottom As Integer
  Dim sumdata As Integer

  colors = New Integer[]
  colors.Resize(total + 1)

  For i = 1 To total
    sumdata = sumdata + value[i]

  If sumdata = 0 Then sumdata = 1

  For i = 1 To total
    value[i] = (value[i] / sumdata) * 10



  skala_1 = drwchart.ClientH / 11
  distance_y = drwchart.ClientH - skala_1
  bottom = distance_y + 8

  For i = 0 To 100 Step 10
    draw.Foreground = color.black
    draw.Text(i, 0, distance_y)
    draw.Line(25, distance_y + 8, drwchart.clientw, distance_y + 8)
    distance_y = distance_y - skala_1

  draw.Line(30, 0, 30, drwchart.ClientH)

  skala_2 = (drwchart.ClientW - 30) \ 10
  distance_x = skala_2 + 30
  width_draw = skala_2 / 2

  For i = 1 To Total
       draw.LineWidth = 1
       draw.Foreground = color.Black
       draw.Text(i, distance_x - (width_draw / 2) - 4, drwchart.ClientH - 20)
       draw.Line(distance_x - (width_draw / 2), 0, distance_x -
(width_draw / 2), drwchart.ClientH - skala_1 + 8)
       draw.LineWidth = width_draw
       draw.Foreground = color.RGB(i * 100, i * 10, i * 50)
       colors[i] = draw.Foreground
       tot = skala_1 * value[i] + skala_1 - 8
       draw.Line(distance_x - (width_draw / 2), bottom, distance_x -
(width_draw / 2), drwchart.ClientH - tot)
       distance_x = distance_x + skala_2



Public Sub btnAbout_Click()

  Dim i As String
  i = "<h2>Example to make bar chart</h2>\n"
  i = i & "This example has made by : " & Chr(10)
  i = i & "   Yudi Astira" & Chr(10)
  i = i & "   yudi at ...2612..." & Chr(10)
  i = i & "   necrose #hdteam on Dal.Net" & Chr(10)
  i = i & "Thank You"
  message.Info(i, "&Close")


If you take a look to the structure of this, the first thing is that only the
Draw_Chart() is interesting. If I would like to emphasize the real
important things I'd shorten it to this:

Public Sub Draw_Chart()

draw.LineWidth = 1
draw.Foreground = color.Black
draw.Line(30, 0, 30, drwchart.ClientH)

The other things can be done if you know the basic synthax. And here
comes the first irregularity: if I try to implement these steps in a
program where I'm creating new DrawingArea if I put the creation of
this into the same function as the Begin method, I run into error
"Drawing cannot be done outside the Draw event handler". But actually
it works in this example! And this is the only available example for
chart-drawing, and it isn't written in the spirit of the documents! I
simply don't know how to write  a working function for that task. A
good example is made of usable, simple bricks: if I know how to draw a
line, I'll know how to draw a circle, rectangle etc. too.
So what's the structure of the printing process?
If I define a printer:
Public samsung AS Printer
How to force it to print a line, a text or an image? At least in the
documentation it should be clearly stated.
Should I write a sub:
PUBLIC SUB Printit()
??? what to put here, can I do it in one function???

Or I will need:

1. PUBLIC SUB Printit()
2. PUBLIC SUB samsung_Begin()
3. PUBLIC SUB samsung_Draw()

What is defined in 1,2 and 3 function?

And the same stands for the DrawingArea task too. I don't know how to
initiate the process! One task for 3 functions?!

I hope I was clear.

> Did you read the Printing example source code? Did you find it too complex?
> --
> Benoît Minisini
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