[Gambas-user] gb3: sending variable of date datatype over UDP

Kevin Fishburne kevinfishburne at ...1887...
Tue Jun 7 05:56:12 CEST 2011

Any reason this code wouldn't work?

' Server-side:

UDP_Write_56(pip[p], pport[p], tsid[p], Date)

Public Sub UDP_Write_56(ip As String, port As Integer, id As Byte, 
serverdate As Date)

   ' Send "date update" transaction to specified IP address and port 
over UDP.

   ' Define target's IP address and port.
   udp.TargetHost = ip
   udp.TargetPort = port

   ' Send the transaction.
     Write #udp, id As Byte
     Write #udp, 56 As Byte
     Write #udp, serverdate As Date


' Client-side:

' tsdata = 8-byte date string from received UDP packet
worlddate = Date@(Convert.Reverse(tsdata))

Public Function Reverse(data As String) As String

   ' Reverse the order of the passed bytes.

   ' General declarations.
   Dim counter As Byte     ' Generic counter.
   Dim length As Byte      ' Length of the passed string.
   Dim reversed As String  ' The reversed string.

   ' Reverse the string
   length = Len(data)
   For counter = length To 1 Step -1
     reversed = reversed & Mid$(data, counter, 1)

   ' Return the reversed value.
   Return reversed


If I send and receive it as a float it works, but doesn't give me the 
time (date only). If I send/receive it as a date it gives me a totally 
wrong value, such as "10883/26232/-22744 285:08:28". Combinations of the 
two give me different incorrect values.

This technique of reversing bytes received as UDP packets into different 
datatypes has worked for everything but the date datatype. Any ideas why 
this is? I need the clients to know what time it is on the server so 
they can render day/night cycles appropriately.

Kevin Fishburne
Eight Virtues
www: http://sales.eightvirtues.com
e-mail: sales at ...1887...
phone: (770) 853-6271

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