[Gambas-user] odd gb3 issue

Toni Rosa arosa at ...2168...
Wed Jun 1 12:49:58 CEST 2011

> Anyone have any insight?
> --
> Kevin Fishburne
> Eight Virtues
> www: http://sales.eightvirtues.com
> e-mail: sales at ...1887...
> phone: (770) 853-6271

Note that UDP doesn't guarantee reliability, ordering, or data integrity.
TCP does. If your application logic needs this, then you should use TCP or
handle these possible errors in your code.
The bigger the packet the easier something goes wrong with it, so in a way
its normal that smaller UDP packets are less prone to be faulty.. in any
case a 100% loss of 25K UDP packets is quite a lot, it may indicate some
sort of buggy network equipament.

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