[Gambas-user] gb3: gb.sdl.sound disallows more than 8 sounds/channels at once
Kevin Fishburne
kevinfishburne at ...1887...
Sun Jul 24 09:43:49 CEST 2011
I can play eight sounds simultaneously, adjusting their volumes as
needed, but when I try to set the volume of the channel of the ninth
sound I receive an error saying that the channel is null (even though
the ninth sound actually starts playing at a volume of 1).
Here is my code for the module:
' Gambas module file
' Audio module
' General declarations.
Public Struct Effect ' Structure containing an individual sound
effect's data.
Sample As Sound ' Waveform data (file).
Chan As Channel ' Default channel to play on.
AmpCurrent As Single ' Current amplitude.
AmpTarget As Single ' Target amplitude.
AmpScale As Single ' Target amplitude multiplier.
End Struct
Public Environment[16] As Struct Effect ' Environmental sound effects.
Public Dynamic[16] As Struct Effect ' Dynamic sound effects.
Public WaterDeepCount As Single ' Total number of deep water tiles.
Public WaterDeepDistance As Single ' Total distance of deep water
Public WaterMediumCount As Single ' Total number of medium water
Public WaterMediumDistance As Single ' Total distance of medium water
Public WaterShallowCount As Single ' Total number of shallow water
Public WaterShallowDistance As Single ' Total distance of shallow
water tiles.
Public LandCount As Single ' Total number of land tiles.
Public LandDistance As Single ' Total distance of land tiles.
Public Sub Update()
' Analyze area around player to determine effect amplitudes.
' General declarations.
Dim x As Byte
Dim y As Byte
Dim WaterDepth As Short ' Depth of current cell grid tile.
' Reset counters.
WaterDeepCount = 0
WaterDeepDistance = 0
WaterMediumCount = 0
WaterMediumDistance = 0
WaterShallowCount = 0
WaterShallowDistance = 0
LandCount = 0
LandDistance = 0
' Calculate water and land tile counts and distances from camera.
For y = Render.ccgy - 32 To Render.ccgy + 31 Step 4
For x = Render.ccgx - 32 To Render.ccgx + 31 Step 4
' Determine if current tile is water or land.
If Render.delevation[x, y] < 0 Then
' Perform water tile calculations.
WaterDepth = Render.delevation[x, y]
' Determine effect type from water depth.
If WaterDepth >= -32768 And WaterDepth < -2048 Then
' Increment deep water count.
Inc WaterDeepCount
' Increment deep water distance.
WaterDeepDistance = WaterDeepDistance +
Convert.Distance(Render.ccgx, Render.ccgy, x, y)
If WaterDepth >= -2048 And WaterDepth < -128 Then
' Increment medium water.
Inc WaterMediumCount
' Increment medium water distance.
WaterMediumDistance = WaterMediumDistance +
Convert.Distance(Render.ccgx, Render.ccgy, x, y)
If WaterDepth >= -128
' Increment shallow water.
Inc WaterShallowCount
' Increment shallow water distance.
WaterShallowDistance = WaterShallowDistance +
Convert.Distance(Render.ccgx, Render.ccgy, x, y)
' Increment land.
Inc LandCount
' Increment land distance.
LandDistance = LandDistance + Convert.Distance(Render.ccgx,
Render.ccgy, x, y)
' Convert tile counts to percentages of occurrence (0 - 1).
WaterDeepCount = WaterDeepCount / 256
WaterMediumCount = WaterMediumCount / 256
WaterShallowCount = WaterShallowCount / 256
LandCount = LandCount / 256
' Convert tile distances to percentages of distance (0 - 1).
WaterDeepDistance = WaterDeepDistance / 6350
WaterMediumDistance = WaterMediumDistance / 6350
WaterShallowDistance = WaterShallowDistance / 6350
LandDistance = LandDistance / 6350
' Calculate target water amplitudes.
Environment[0].AmpTarget = (WaterDeepCount + WaterDeepDistance) / 2 *
Environment[1].AmpTarget = (WaterMediumCount + WaterMediumDistance) /
2 * Environment[1].AmpScale
Environment[2].AmpTarget = (WaterShallowCount + WaterShallowDistance)
/ 2 * Environment[2].AmpScale
Environment[3].AmpTarget = LandCount * Environment[0].AmpTarget *
Environment[4].AmpTarget = LandCount * Environment[1].AmpTarget *
Environment[5].AmpTarget = LandCount * Environment[2].AmpTarget *
' Adjust current water amplitudes.
Environment[0].AmpCurrent = (Environment[0].AmpCurrent +
Environment[0].AmpTarget) / 2 * Environment[0].AmpScale
Environment[1].AmpCurrent = (Environment[1].AmpCurrent +
Environment[1].AmpTarget) / 2 * Environment[1].AmpScale
Environment[2].AmpCurrent = (Environment[2].AmpCurrent +
Environment[2].AmpTarget) / 2 * Environment[2].AmpScale
Environment[3].AmpCurrent = (Environment[3].AmpCurrent +
Environment[3].AmpTarget) / 2 * Environment[3].AmpScale
Environment[4].AmpCurrent = (Environment[4].AmpCurrent +
Environment[4].AmpTarget) / 2 * Environment[4].AmpScale
Environment[5].AmpCurrent = (Environment[5].AmpCurrent +
Environment[5].AmpTarget) / 2 * Environment[5].AmpScale
' Set audible water amplitudes.
Environment[0].Chan.Volume = Environment[0].AmpCurrent
Environment[1].Chan.Volume = Environment[1].AmpCurrent
Environment[2].Chan.Volume = Environment[2].AmpCurrent
Environment[3].Chan.Volume = Environment[3].AmpCurrent
Environment[4].Chan.Volume = Environment[4].AmpCurrent
Environment[5].Chan.Volume = Environment[5].AmpCurrent
' Calculate target rain amplitude.
Environment[6].AmpTarget = Client.CloudCover - 125
If Environment[6].AmpTarget < 0 Then Environment[6].AmpTarget = 0
Environment[6].AmpTarget = Convert.Range(Environment[6].AmpTarget, 0,
31, 0, 1) * Environment[6].AmpScale
' Adjust current rain amplitude.
If Environment[6].AmpCurrent < Environment[6].AmpTarget Then
Environment[6].AmpCurrent = Environment[6].AmpCurrent + 0.01
Environment[6].AmpCurrent = Environment[6].AmpCurrent - 0.01
' Set audible rain amplitude.
Environment[6].Chan.Volume = Environment[6].AmpCurrent
' Calculate target wind amplitude.
Environment[7].AmpTarget = Abs(Client.WindSpeed)
Environment[7].AmpTarget = Convert.Range(Environment[7].AmpTarget, 0,
31, 0, 1) * Environment[7].AmpScale
' Adjust current wind amplitude.
If Environment[7].AmpCurrent < Environment[7].AmpTarget Then
Environment[7].AmpCurrent = Environment[7].AmpCurrent + 0.01
Environment[7].AmpCurrent = Environment[7].AmpCurrent - 0.01
' Set audible wind amplitude.
Environment[7].Chan.Volume = Environment[7].AmpCurrent
' Calculate target arctic amplitude.
If Client.worldz >= 16384 Then
Environment[8].AmpTarget = Convert.Range(Client.worldz, 16384,
32767, 0, 1) * Environment[8].AmpScale
Environment[8].AmpTarget = 0
' Adjust current arctic amplitude.
If Environment[8].AmpCurrent < Environment[8].AmpTarget Then
Environment[8].AmpCurrent = Environment[8].AmpCurrent + 0.01
Environment[8].AmpCurrent = Environment[8].AmpCurrent - 0.01
' Set audible arctic amplitude.
Environment[8].Chan.Volume = Environment[8].AmpCurrent
Public Sub Initialize()
' Start basic environmental sound effects.
Channels.Count = 32
' Start deep water effect.
Environment[0].Sample = New Sound(GUI.basepath & "/sound/Ocean.wav")
Environment[0].AmpScale = 1
Environment[0].Chan = Environment[0].Sample.Play(-1)
Environment[0].Chan.Volume = 0
' Start medium water effect.
Environment[1].Sample = New Sound(GUI.basepath & "/sound/River.wav")
Environment[1].AmpScale = 1
Environment[1].Chan = Environment[1].Sample.Play(-1)
Environment[1].Chan.Volume = 0
' Start shallow water effect.
Environment[2].Sample = New Sound(GUI.basepath & "/sound/Lake.wav")
Environment[2].AmpScale = 1
Environment[2].Chan = Environment[2].Sample.Play(-1)
Environment[2].Chan.Volume = 0
' Start deep seawash effect.
Environment[3].Sample = New Sound(GUI.basepath & "/sound/Seawash,
Environment[3].AmpScale = 1
Environment[3].Chan = Environment[3].Sample.Play(-1)
Environment[3].Chan.Volume = 0
' Start medium seawash effect.
Environment[4].Sample = New Sound(GUI.basepath & "/sound/Seawash,
Environment[4].AmpScale = 1
Environment[4].Chan = Environment[4].Sample.Play(-1)
Environment[4].Chan.Volume = 0
' Start shallow seawash effect.
Environment[5].Sample = New Sound(GUI.basepath & "/sound/Seawash,
Environment[5].AmpScale = 1
Environment[5].Chan = Environment[5].Sample.Play(-1)
Environment[5].Chan.Volume = 0
' Start rain effect.
Environment[6].Sample = New Sound(GUI.basepath & "/sound/Rain.wav")
Environment[6].AmpScale = 1
Environment[6].Chan = Environment[6].Sample.Play(-1)
Environment[6].Chan.Volume = 0
' Start wind effect.
Environment[7].Sample = New Sound(GUI.basepath & "/sound/Wind.wav")
Environment[7].AmpScale = 1
Environment[7].Chan = Environment[7].Sample.Play(-1)
Environment[7].Chan.Volume = 0
' Start arctic effect.
Environment[8].Sample = New Sound(GUI.basepath & "/sound/Arctic.wav")
Environment[8].AmpScale = 1
Environment[8].Chan = Environment[8].Sample.Play(-1)
Environment[8].Chan.Volume = 0
It dies at the last line, "Environment[8].Chan.Volume = 0". As I said,
Arctic.wav starts playing, but setting the volume level of its channel
treats the channel as a null object. Removing a different sound effect
so that there are only eight instead of nine works fine. Anyone have any
insight into why this is occurring? The SDL lib says it supports 32
channels, but it looks like it's just eight with a bug in the way it
handles more than that.
Kevin Fishburne
Eight Virtues
www: http://sales.eightvirtues.com
e-mail: sales at ...1887...
phone: (770) 853-6271
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