[Gambas-user] ColumnView: how to add text to columns (Gambas 2)

Rolf-Werner Eilert eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Tue Feb 22 18:24:58 CET 2011

Am 22.02.2011 17:51, schrieb Anthony Tekatch:
>> ... how to insert text into other columns than column 0.
>> ColumnView1.Add("key1", "Text1") only adds text to the leftmost column,
>> the one that can be shown like a treeview. (I don't need that treeview
>> feature, just several columns.) And how do I add text to column 1, 2
>> etc.?
> Here is an example. I am using a ColumnView called ProductsList
> In the Form_Open do, I do this:
>    ProductsList.Columns.Count = 4
>    ProductsList.Header = 1 'show header
>    ProductsList.Mode = Select.Single
>    ProductsList.Columns[0].Text = "ID"
>    ProductsList.Columns[1].Text = "Act"
>    ProductsList.Columns[2].Text = "Des"
>    ProductsList.Columns[3].Text = "Description"
> The to populate the entire Columnview, here is part of the code used:
>    ...
>    ctr = 1
>    FOR EACH Result
>      ProductsList.Add(ctr, Result!product_id)
>      ProductsList[ctr][1] = Result!actual_stock
>      ProductsList[ctr][2] = Result!desired_stock
>      ProductsList[ctr][3] = Result!description
>      INC ctr
>      IF ctr>  1000 THEN BREAK
>    NEXT
>    ...
> So as you can see, your "Add" adds an entire row. The you can use array
> identifiers to address and set the column values. Probably like this:
>   ColumnView1["key1"][1] = "Text A"
>   ColumnView1["key1"][2] = "Text B"

Aaaaah - ok :-)

Now it works!

Thanks a lot - have a nice evening, Anthony.



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